When you love reading fantasy books, it is no easy decision to choose a new author. Will the book meet your expectations? Will the plot be exciting? Will you like the writing style? What sort of characters are involved?
To make that decision easier, I am writing a prequel to be given away free, a novella about Salazai and how she came to be abandoned in Dragonheart’s stall. What makes that so bad? Let’s see how he is described in Lumina:
“Everyone feared the black stallion – mark of the devil on him they said, ever since his fight with the dragon, even if his courage did save the king. He certainly had the demon’s own temper, snapping, kicking, teeth bared at the slightest approach. All the stable boys kept well clear of those lashing hooves. Everyone knew, none but the king could ride him.”
What sort of parent would put a baby in reach of Dragonheart’s thrashing hooves and why would they take such a drastic step?
The Prequel tells the tragic adventures of Adrilana, Salazai’s mother. While awaiting its publication, “Survival”, a short story, tells of the moment when Adrilana realizes she cannot give up and must survive.
To get your free short story visit the Bonuses tab at my website: www.paddytyrrell.com